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Gaining by...

Gaining by Losing

I just finished a book called Gaining By Losing by J.D. Greear. The premise is basically that the more people you send or give away for whatever reason, the more likely the church is to thrive because that is God’s plan for all churches as seen in the Acts of the Apostles. In a nutshell, […]


Obsessions that Have to Go For Multiplication to Happen

The more I study the multiplication movement the more I realize that for it to be successful several sacred cows will have to be slaughtered. These sacred cows will be much harder for Mainline to bar b q than independents. Let me share the biggest ones. Seminary training – most of the training of church […]

The Anatom...

The Anatomy of a Movement

History has not been overly kind to most movements. Just reflect on what has happened to the Civil Rights movement after the death of Martin Luther King. It lost most of its momentum. Movements need a strong, charismatic leader.  When the leader dies, most movements wane.  For these movements to have the lasting impact, it […]

I Love Coa...

I Love Coaching Pastors

I love coaching pastors. That’s why I started the Next Level Coaching Network And I’ve noticed two reoccurring issues that cause many pastors to be ineffective. And both of them are easily solved. Let me show you what I mean. The first issue is a lack of focus. When a person lacks focus they […]

For Church...

For Church Planters Eyes Only

Over the years I’ve noticed something about church plants that might be helpful to you. Somewhere around 125-200 in worship many semi-successful church planters lose their focus on bringing more people to Christ and the church stalls out. I’ve noticed several reasons for this loss of focus on outreach and evangelism. I share them with […]

Coaching f...

Coaching for Church Planters

For church plants under a year old we offer a customized coaching plan that is substantially less than our regular coaching fees because we are committed to church planting and we know the average new church plant is strapped for cash. Your coach, Bill Easum, comes along side you over a twelve month period to […]

Learnings ...

What I've Learned from Coaching

Coaching is on the rise. I’m currently coaching 23 pastors in how to take their church to the next level.  A couple are trying to break the 200 barrier; two or three are trying to break the 1,000 barrier; and a bunch are trying to break the 500 Barrier. In the last three years I’ve […]

For Church...

For Church Planters Eyes Only

Over the years I’ve noticed something about church plants that might be helpful to you. Somewhere around 125-200 in worship many semi-successful church planters lose their focus on bringing more people to Christ and the church stalls out. I’ve noticed several reasons for this loss of focus on outreach and evangelism. I share them with […]

Questions ...

Questions for JNew Church Planters

Getting a good head start on your plant is critical.  What you approach the first year is critical. So here are some questions to chew on and an exercise How many honest spiritual conversations have you had with thoroughly unchurched people in the past 90 days? How many unchurched people have you personally brought to […]