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Easter Wor...

Easter Worship Check List

Getting prepared for Easter is an important task. You will have people there who haven’t been in worship before, at least not with you. So you need to put your best foot forward. Here is a list of things you need to do to be ready. Prior to the Service Begin by deciding who your […]

Use and Mi...

Use and Misuse of Church Signs

Signs are a plus if you use them correctly. They are a waste of money if you use them incorrectly. Lets look at the difference. A church down the street from me purchased a beautiful digital sign a couple of years ago.   I have to drive by that church almost every day. Of course being […]

Gaining by...

Gaining by Losing

I just finished a book called Gaining By Losing by J.D. Greear. The premise is basically that the more people you send or give away for whatever reason, the more likely the church is to thrive because that is God’s plan for all churches as seen in the Acts of the Apostles. In a nutshell, […]


Obsessions that Have to Go For Multiplication to Happen

The more I study the multiplication movement the more I realize that for it to be successful several sacred cows will have to be slaughtered. These sacred cows will be much harder for Mainline to bar b q than independents. Let me share the biggest ones. Seminary training – most of the training of church […]

The Anatom...

The Anatomy of a Movement

History has not been overly kind to most movements. Just reflect on what has happened to the Civil Rights movement after the death of Martin Luther King. It lost most of its momentum. Movements need a strong, charismatic leader.  When the leader dies, most movements wane.  For these movements to have the lasting impact, it […]

New Church...

New Churches Committed to Multiplication: Part Six –  Why It is Next to Impossible for Mainline Churches

The issue of church multiplication is either a mystery or an unknown to most mainline pastors and denominational leaders. Most of them are simply trying to survive, so the gap between survival and multiplication is wider than the Grand Canyon. But what would have to happen to make multiplication possible for mainline churches? There would […]

New Church...

New Churches Committed to Multiplication: Part Five – A Conversation With Ralph Moore

I just got off the phone with a delightful conversation with Ralph Moore, pastor of Hope Chapel in Honolulu. Ralph is a 70 year old humble, hippy who is planting the third Hope Chapel and is responsible directly or indirectly with over 1,000 church plants. I was struck by his humble, straight-forward way of sharing […]

Stats on W...

Stats on What Grows Church Plants

Here’s some research that you should know about because it could give you some pointers on what grows church plants. The research included all major denominations and some 1200 church planters. The survey was limited to churches started after 2007 so the number of church planters that fit the criteria was 843. General observations for […]

New Church...

New Churches Committed to Multiplication: Part Four

Boy do I have egg on my face. Like most of the people who coach church planters, I’ve always told them that the most important thing they can do is get butts in the seats. Don’t worry about serious discipleship until you get a crowd. The problem with this is that by the time you […]

New Church...

New Churches Committed to Multiplication: Part Three

As a result of my time at the think tank in Atlanta, I spent some time listening to the message of several pastors who are leading either reproducing or multiplying churches, and I confirmed a suspicion I’ve had for some time. The success of a church is not determined by how well the pastor teaches or […]