The resources below will be helpful no matter what size church you’re in.

For Church Planters Eyes Only

Go Big Visitors Campaign

The Nuts and Bolts of Multi Sites

Church Planters Must Be Graciously Ruthless

How to Cast Vision

How and When to Give Raises

Four Core Processes for Growing a Church

2014 Next Level Retreat PowerPoint

Questions for New Church Planters

The Number One Mistake Church Planters Make

Responding to First Time Visitors

Worship for the 21st Century

Effective Staff Meetings

The Importance of Intuition

The Ability to Focus

The Primacy of Preaching

Effective Staffing for Vital Churches (draft mss)

What Are You Measuring

Keep Your Workweek Under 50 Hours

How To Structure a Church

How To Structure a UMC

Staff Assessment

The Missing Piece To Spiritual Maturity – Stewardship

Basics On How To Grow A Church – PowerPoint

Trends I’m Seeing – PowerPoint

Mission Mandates

Starting A Visual Service

Staffing A Church

Developing A Healthy Culture

Backyard Missionaries

21st Century Evangelism

Four Step Mobilization Process

A Rolling Model Of Strategic Change

Dealing With Controllers – On Not Being Nice For The Sake Of The Gospel

Developing A Culture Of Equipping

The Evangelism Workbook

Missional Small Groups

A Nursery For Out Time

One Way To Hire Staff

Starting A New Worship Service

The Worship Leader Job Description

Developing Teams

The Use and Misuse of Church Signs

Easter Worship Check List

The Art of Execution

Unfreezing Moves: Following Jesus Into the Mission Field