Over the years I’ve watched pastors do all kinds of work trying to grow their church. Many of them have brought in a consultant, myself included, and had a thorough examination of their church and a clear directive to the future shared with them only to flounder after the consultant left. It has become clear to me that the further we go into the 21st century the more important it is for pastors to have on-going relationship with a coach.
[tweetthis]Our times are too complicated and tricky for most pastors to go it alone without a coach.[/tweetthis]
Our times are too complicated and tricky for most pastors to go it alone no matter how good marching orders a consultant may leave behind. That is why I have shifted more and more of my ministry to both consulting and coaching. It is also why I’ve started what I think will be one of my best ministries the Next Level Coaching Network. It is designed to help pastors lead their church through the next growth barrier.
The Network is limited to a small number of lead pastors because all my coaching is one on one, no group coaching. This coaching includes, phone, Internet, pod and video casts, and in person coaching. And the beauty of it is you don’t have to leave home to take advantage of it.