Coach Yourself and your Church
to the Next Level
Break Whatever Growth Barrier You’re Facing
By This Time Next Year!
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We provide the tools, the resources, and the personal support
Ever feel as if you have more potential than you are demonstrating? Coaching can help you reach your full potential and make a lasting impact on your church, community, and world. Numerous studies have shown that those pastors with a coach do better than those who go it alone.
The Next Level Coaching Network is designed for Leaders who passionately desire to grow their church and themselves. We offer you a unique blend of coaching and consulting that will take you and your church to the next level.
Based on the 19 Growth Principles from our best selling Complete Ministry Audit we provide the coaching, the tools, and the resources to ensure your success.
All our coaching is one-on-one; we don’t put you into impersonal group sessions.
During the year you will develop a Church Mandate for Mission and a Personal Mandate for Mission that will guide your church through its next growth barrier.
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What You Get:
- Monthly personal coaching session by phone or by Skype ($3,000 value)
- Pastor’s personal strengths and weaknesses assessment package ($350 value)
- Development of the pastor’s Personal Mission Mandate ($350 value)
- Analysis of your congregation’s Complete Ministry Audit ($999 value)
- Unlimited 24/7 email coaching ($1000)
- On-Demand videocasts ($250 value)
- Access to our private Coaching Network Membership resources ($1000)
- Access to a private forum for unlimited 24/7 email coaching ($250 value)
- “How to” workbooks for each part of your plan ($500 value).
- Subscription to Net Results magazine ($59.95 value).
- Inclusion of staff and key lay people in the process (optional).
A Total Value of over $8,000 if purchased separately. [/su_note]
[su_box title=”Your Investment”]For established churches over 200 in worship the fee is $300 a month for twelve months or $3000 if you pay the full amount upfront. (and you don’t have the hassle and costs of airfare, hotel, or car rental) For quotes on smaller churches or church plants, email us at
There are three alternatives: One, is to do 3, 6, or 9, months coaching without the full Ministry Audit. The fee for each of these is $750. Two, annual coaching without the Ministry Audit is $1800. Three, individual phone calls $25o an hour. [/su_box]
When you are accepted to the Next Level Coaching Network we will charge your credit card quarterly or monthly (your choice). If for any reason you are not totally satisfied we will refund your money no questions asked. But we know you will say it’s the best money you’ve ever spent.
Ready For Coaching?
What Participants Are Saying About
The Next Level Coaching Network
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Over the past four years Bill has helped guide Vine Church from a struggling church plant to a chartered congregation preparing to plant a second site.
– Todd Schlechty, Church Planter
Three years ago I hired Bill Easum to be my coach. In every conversation he compassionately nudged me to take a step in our ministry that seemed impossible at the time. A year after we took that step, New Song joined the Outreach 100 Fastest Growing Churches list. Thanks for your help Bill!
-Hal Seed, New Song Community Church
Bill Easum’s coaching has single-handedly helped us start and grow our new church. Following Bill’s encouragement and advice has helped me to get completely focused on reaching new people for the kingdom of God. I couldn’t recommend his coaching more!
– Tim Ward, Pastor Restoration Church
Bill has helped me navigate the challenges of leading a church from 500 to over 1200, and I am a much more effective because of him
– John M. Seitz, Antioch Christian Church